Remembering Dad: A Tribute to My Father’s Life and Legacy

Author: Renato De La Rosa, MD

In the quiet moments of my childhood, I often find myself reflecting on the gentle presence of my father. His departure when I was just ten years old left an indelible mark on our family of seven siblings.

I lost my wonderful father when I was 10 years old. He died young at age 51. He left my mom, 5 sons and 2 daughters. I was the 6th of the 7 siblings.

My 3 older brothers, aged 21, 18 and 16 during that time, stepped up for the family in order for us to survive. We were poor.

1st Big Brother: He was the wisdom. (He also became a doctor.)

2nd Big Brother: He was the soul and faith of the family.

3rd Big Brother: He brought courage and strength to us.

It took 3 people to fill up the gap left by my father.

I salute my brothers and sisters!
I salute my Dad, a source of wisdom, faith, courage and strength!

Happy Father’s Day! 🙏🏽

R. De La Rosa, MD
June 16, 2024


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